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All the African Journal of Kingdom Edu6xcation submissions, reviews, and editorial work are done through the Christopress Journal System (CJS). Prior to submitting your article, you will have to register for an account here on this website if you are a new contributor/author. You will be asked to fill in a brief contributor/author form. Be sure to click the “Register” button to save your data. You will then be able to log in, using the username and password you created, and view the contributor/author homepage, which is the starting point for all functions available to you as a contributor. You are expected to upload your new article/abstract by creating a “New Abstract”, typing in your abstract and uploading your full journal articles in MS Word. If you have made your payment, send your full author’s name, and your article title(s) with your proof of payment to:
Manuscript Submission and Types
A. Original Research and Review Articles
B. Scriptural Article Submission
C. Book Reviews; Personal Reflections; Autobiographical Accounts; Review Essays; Method; Position; Reaction or Conference Paper Submission
Paper Format, Styling, and Citations
This journal Publishes research on Biblical Kingdom Education; Christian Education; Christian Counselling; Ethics; Pastoral Studies; Kingdom Theology; Christian Ministry; Marriage and Family Studies; Christian Spirituality; Theological Studies; Christian Apologetics; Family Education; Discipleship; Church Administration; Missiology; Biblical Studies; Biblical Law; Christian Leadership; etc.