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Jesus: The Hope of Safety

Following the trend of insecurity around the world today, it is very crystal clear that the present world is incapable of giving us safety. There are catalogues of killings, kidnappings, arsons, and wanton destruction of property with impunity. You cannot sleep in your house with two eyes closed. The institutions of learning are not safe. There is palpable fear in the land. No one can get the next action of the attackers. Things are in a state of the imbroglio. The security intelligence of all nations of the world has used all the weapons in their arsenals to curb the spate of insecurity but to no avail. The security experts and governments are in total confusion. We are only left with one thing: JESUS. He is the only Hope of safety (Prov.21:31).

Confidence in the Created Order will fail us

Our hope of safety should not be put in the created order. This will fail us. All created things are weak, transient, and of course apt to fail. Hence, it is futile to vest ultimate hope of safety in:

  1. Wealth (Ps.49:6-12; 52:7; Prov.11:28)
  2. Houses (Isa.32:17-18)
  3. Princes (Ps.146:3)Empires and armies (Isa.31:1-3; 2Kings 18:19-24)
  4. Chariots and horses (Ps.20:7; cf. 2Chron. 32:8; Ps. 33:17; Isa. 31:1; Rom. 8:31).
  5. Humans (Ps.118:8 cf. Ps.40:4)
  6. Our God is a refuge and fortress who provides ultimate security (Ps.14:6; 61:3: 73:28: 91:1-16).

The hope of safety can only be found in Jesus if you give your life to Him today. (Prov. 18:10; 2Thess.3:3). Cross References: Ps. 27:1; 32:7; 37:3;62:2; Isa.26:3; Nahum 1:7; John 17:15.

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Dele A Ilesanmi

Pastor Ilesanmi (MA, PhD, ThD) is an Associate Research Professor at Testament Theological Seminary, a profound and astute scholar and researcher, specialising in Biblical Christian Education and Biblical Research. As of 2023, he has over 80 publications to his credit. He is the President of ChristoPress Centre for Biblical Research and Intellectual Transformation (CBRIT).
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