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Jesus: The Hope of Salvation

Jesus, our ground and object of hope, came to the world primarily to save the world from sins (Matt.1:21; Lk 2:11; Acts 13:23; Titus 1:4; 3:16; cf. 1Tim.4:10; 1Thess.5:8). God, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, gave the world His only begotten Son out of love and to save humanity (John 3:16). It should be noted here that salvation is the first necessity to relate with God and this can only be made possible through Jesus Christ our God in whom, as Christians, we have placed our hope of deliverance (2Cor.1:9-10).

Five major things salvation can do for you are:

  1. It will make God your Father (John 1:11-12; Lk.12:32; Matt.5:45; cf. Matt.5:26).
  2. It changes your identity from a sinner to a child of God (John 1:12).
  3. It helps you to have direct access to God our Father and His divine blessings through His Son, Jesus Christ ( John 14:6; Eph.1:3).
  4. It makes you pass from death to life (John 5:24).
  5. The ownership of your life will change hand (Col.1:13 cf. Col. 3:3)

Thus, only in our Lord Jesus, your salvation can be guaranteed. He is the only one who has the exclusive power to forgive and to save if you are ready for Him (1John 1:9; ps.3:8; Jer.3:23).

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Dele A Ilesanmi

Pastor Ilesanmi (MA, PhD, ThD) is an Associate Research Professor at Testament Theological Seminary, a profound and astute scholar and researcher, specialising in Biblical Christian Education and Biblical Research. As of 2023, he has over 80 publications to his credit. He is the President of ChristoPress Centre for Biblical Research and Intellectual Transformation (CBRIT).
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